Chat Reminder
We will have our first chat on the book, "Seen It All Done The Rest", on Saturday, April 18th at 6 p.m. Click on the icon, "Chat Here" to access the chat room. Below is a readers guide for our book. Let this be our guide for our discussion.
Readers Guide for Seen It All
This will be our first live chat online. Let's see how this works.
Also...please come prepared to suggest our next book for the book club. Lynne will be hosting our next book club.
Any questions, send me an e-mail or call.
Readers Guide for Seen It All
This will be our first live chat online. Let's see how this works.
Also...please come prepared to suggest our next book for the book club. Lynne will be hosting our next book club.
Any questions, send me an e-mail or call.