I'm excited about starting our book club. It is always good to get together with friends, have some wine, eat a little something and to chat. What a better excuse than to read a book?!
Our first meeting will be March 14, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. You should have received an email from me. At our first meeting, we will decide which books we would like to read for the next couple of months. Come prepared with your thoughts.
Some thoughts on organizing the book club...
We will meet monthly with members rotating hosting duties. As host, the member is responsible for making her home available to book club members, promoting the meeting via email and providing the theme for the potluck. On March 14, we can decide if we want to have each host provide the following:
- A brief synopsis of the book of the month
- Book review(s)
- Author biography (with additional titles by the author)
- Discussion questions
With this blog, I will (work on) providing resources that will make it easier for each of us to find and research books and authors. If you have any suggestions, please let me know as I can help make this blog work for the needs of our group.
See you on Saturday!!